Monday, October 7, 2013

Happy Coming Out Week!

Hello lovelies!
In honor of Coming Out Week, I'm digging into the "archives" and sharing one story a day of my coming out process (I have conveniently written exactly as many posts about coming out as there are days in the week!) leading up to Friday, when I'll update everyone on where my coming out story is so far (still, and ALWAYS, in progress.)

But more important than that, many of you already know MY story, I would love to hear YOURS. Whether you've come out to everyone you know, or only to your blog (oooh, meta), let's share our stories with each other! That's a big part of what Coming Out Week and Coming Out Day are about, in my opinion--supporting each other every step of the way as we keep shouldering the burden of having to remind people that they should not assume they know who we love. It's not just about saying "Yay, woohoo, hi everybody, guess what, I'm super gay!" It's about the smaller moments, when you come out a little bit, and then fully, to yourself, when you whisper it to your dog, when you write it down for the first time, when you tell your best friend, when you tell your parent, when you tell your classmates or coworkers, when you tell your doctor-- the list goes on and on...

Comment below, email me or "ask" me (on tumblr) to tell me your coming out story, and if you give me your permission, I'll share some of your stories here on Friday, National Coming Out Day.

know that there are lots of you out there lurking (hi! xxoo), and I've heard from some of you about your experiences, so I know others will be inspired by your journey too. I have been. 

The first post I wrote about my coming out process, in which I accidentally sorta kinda out-ed myself on Facebook (LOL) is here: Out-ish

P.S. It is also really important that we talk about the shenanigans that BuzzFeedLGBT is pulling today, talking about Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson's "bromance" that we all know isn't a bromance. Sending them heart eyes so hard right now.

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